Friday, January 24, 2025
Dream PowerDream WarriorFEATUREDNewsletterWritings

The Wake-Up Call!

Find your passion – Live your purpose – Save the world!


‘Normal’ is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work, driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for, in order to get to the job that you need so you can pay for the clothes, car, and house that you leave empty all day to afford to live in it. 

This is insanity!

It does not have to be this way.  But why is it this way?  Why do we keep slaving away at some job we don’t like?  Why?  Money! This is not the answer.  You must understand that money alone will not get you to where you want to be.  Stop sacrificing all of your todays for some future happiness.  You can be happy right now.  You don’t have to wait! 


It’s time to stop letting some dull job take the passion out of your life.  It’s time instead to start LIVING your passion.  First of all, there is no such thing as ‘normal.’  Second of all, you are not ‘normal.’  You are not your job.  You are not your career.  You are not your profession.  You are so much more than some dead-end 9 to 5 job that just pays the bills.  You are a unique individual full of creative potential! 

You are someone whose perspective the world needs to know about.  It’s not about working harder to do something that is difficult.  It is about being inspired to do something that feels right!  

You must understand, that you have been taught that you must earn your happiness.  No!  It is yours already! There is nothing you have to do.  There is nothing to obtain, nowhere to be, and nothing to wait for!  You already have everything you need!  It’s time to stop compromising. It’s time to stop waiting.  It’s time to stop holding back!  Enough is enough!  It’s time for the world to feel your touch!  It’s time for you to create YOUR reality!

You didn’t come to this beautiful earth to waste your life.  You came to make a difference!  That difference is your purpose and that purpose is your dream.  No, not that false dream and ambition that this civilization tells you to tell people to impress them.  No! This True Dream is what you REALLY want to do with your life when you stop caring about what others think! This dream belongs to you alone. This dream is; Your passion.  Your joy.  Your love.  Everything you really care about!  The things in life that you love to do for the pure Joy of doing them.  This is your calling, and it will fuel your purpose for being.  

So why aren’t you doing it?  What is it that keeps stopping you?  Why does your True Dream keep getting put off, put aside, or neglected?  

Whatever you said it was just an excuse!

You must push past those limiting beliefs and do it anyway!  It’s time for you to commit to your dream and by doing so you will have made a commitment to yourself.  The most important commitment of your life!

Does pursuing your Dream scare you?  When you are doing what you love all you will experience is pure joy!  There is nothing to be afraid of.  Living a life without meaning is what you need to be afraid of!  You will only find your True Power – your Dream Power when you start doing what you love.  And when you do what you love you will finally find true happiness and purpose.  Action is the key.  Make time for your Dream.  The world is counting on you

–  Really it is! 

There is nothing to be afraid of because everything you need and want is within you!

The Creative Spirit that powers the universe also powers your dreams and is not limited by time or space nor the limiting believes and fears of this civilization and it is infinite in its abundance.  

All you have to do is what you can, with what you have, where you are –  today!  Start small and make small moves.  Trust yourself, trust your heart, act on your Dream Power, and help heal the world by unleashing your inner Dream Warrior today!