Saturday, April 27, 2024

Doing What You Love

ArtsCreative SpiritFEATUREDLatestNewsletterSchoolWritings

Passion is Power

Passion is what we are most deeply curious about, most hungry for, will most hate to lose in life. It is the most desperate wish we need to yell down the well of our lives. It is whatever we pursue merely for its own sake, what we study when there are no tests to take, what we create though no one may ever see it. It makes us forget that the sun rose and set, that we have bodily functions and personal relations that could use a little tending.

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDLatestNewsletterWritings

The Power of Joy

Want to accomplish something? Want to get something done? Want to have a real effect on others? Find joy and express it. Just open the door of your heart and let it out. Don’t judge what the joy expression is, just find it and feel it and it will express itself through you. It will then affect all those around you.  

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDLatestWritings

Inspired Living: Doing What You Love

The reality is that the future is just a thought, the past just a memory. The only true life and reality is right now, in this moment. So when we find inspired activities that deeply inspire us, and can make a living doing them, we tend to feel most alive and that we’ve found our rightful place in the world.

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