Monday, September 9, 2024

Creative Spirit

ArtsCreative SpiritDream PowerDream WarriorExercisesFEATUREDLatestLivingNewsletterSchoolWritings

Unlock Your Purpose Through the Power of High Vibrational Living

In today’s fast-paced world, finding and living out our true purpose can often feel like an elusive goal. However, one key concept that can help us navigate this journey is understanding and harnessing the power of vibration. The idea of vibration is deeply rooted in spiritual traditions and modern science alike, emphasizing that everything in the universe, including our thoughts, emotions, and actions, emits a vibrational frequency. By aligning ourselves with higher vibrations, we can more effectively discover and fulfill our purpose in life.

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Legends of the Dream Warriors: The Awakening

The Powaka world is very tempting. I was tempted to go back just the other day. I actually went to see one of them and asked about doing Task. I don’t know why; I hate Task. Immediately, this Powaka tried to use fear and intimidation to make me do what he wanted. Fear is the main force the Powaka use to hold their world together. It’s the rope they use to wrestle you to the ground, and the man they use to ride your back, hoping to eventually break you like they broke the wild horses.

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The Dream Power Cafe – A Vision

The Dream House Cafe – will be a first-of-its-kind creative sanctuary designed from the ground up to nurture and inspire dreamers like you. Imagine a coffee house crossed with an Imaginarium, spiritual center, maker space, creative hub, and entrepreneurial incubator, all under one mighty dream-manifesting roof!

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Passion is Power

Passion is what we are most deeply curious about, most hungry for, will most hate to lose in life. It is the most desperate wish we need to yell down the well of our lives. It is whatever we pursue merely for its own sake, what we study when there are no tests to take, what we create though no one may ever see it. It makes us forget that the sun rose and set, that we have bodily functions and personal relations that could use a little tending.

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Creative SpiritFEATUREDLatestNewsletterSchoolWritings

The Path of Love vs The Path of Fear

When we take action from a place of love – a genuine desire to help, contribute, or express ourselves – there is a natural sense of empowerment and positive energy flow. We are aligned with our highest selves and values. Even if the task is difficult, we tackle it with a sense of purpose that fuels our perseverance. This is the path of love.

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The Power of Joy

Want to accomplish something? Want to get something done? Want to have a real effect on others? Find joy and express it. Just open the door of your heart and let it out. Don’t judge what the joy expression is, just find it and feel it and it will express itself through you. It will then affect all those around you.  

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Inspired Living: Doing What You Love

The reality is that the future is just a thought, the past just a memory. The only true life and reality is right now, in this moment. So when we find inspired activities that deeply inspire us, and can make a living doing them, we tend to feel most alive and that we’ve found our rightful place in the world.

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream PowerFEATUREDLatestWritings

Originality Is All the Authority You Need

Your work may not be ‘better’ than that of others before you, but it can be unique.  Originality is a virtue. No one has written a story about your grandmother’s birthday.  No one has thought or felt what you did as you were going to sleep last night.  No one has written a poem of exactly what it felt like when you fell in love for the first time.  No one will, unless you do.

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream PowerDream WarriorFEATUREDWritings

What is Inspiration? Understanding the Creative Spirit

When you are inspired, it’s an energy flow. This is, again, not just a good feeling your body happens to be having that day. This energy is God’s creative energy, which is basically love or love energy. This energy is creative and has intelligence. This is why when you feel inspired, you feel pregnant or like you “just have to get it out.” You also have a feeling that you can’t get it out fast enough. And the reason this is, is because you are a channel for this energy; it is not coming from you but through you. All you really have to do is get out of the way. Since this is love energy, you will feel joyous when you let this energy flow through you. This is why you feel so good expressing it.

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