Wednesday, February 12, 2025


ArtsCreative SpiritDream PowerDream WarriorExercisesFEATUREDLatestLivingNewsletterSchoolWritings

Unlock Your Purpose Through the Power of High Vibrational Living

In today’s fast-paced world, finding and living out our true purpose can often feel like an elusive goal. However, one key concept that can help us navigate this journey is understanding and harnessing the power of vibration. The idea of vibration is deeply rooted in spiritual traditions and modern science alike, emphasizing that everything in the universe, including our thoughts, emotions, and actions, emits a vibrational frequency. By aligning ourselves with higher vibrations, we can more effectively discover and fulfill our purpose in life.

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDFictionLatestLegends of the Dream WarriorsLivingNewsletterWritings

Legends of the Dream Warriors: The Awakening

The Powaka world is very tempting. I was tempted to go back just the other day. I actually went to see one of them and asked about doing Task. I don’t know why; I hate Task. Immediately, this Powaka tried to use fear and intimidation to make me do what he wanted. Fear is the main force the Powaka use to hold their world together. It’s the rope they use to wrestle you to the ground, and the man they use to ride your back, hoping to eventually break you like they broke the wild horses.

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Legends of the Dream WarriorsLivingWritings

Breaking Free: The Meaning and Ideas Behind The Legends of the Dream Warriors Series

One day, my wife and I were discussing the system and how it seems based on the idea that buying things leads to happiness. To buy things, you need money, so logically, more money should mean more happiness, right? But it’s not just about the money—it’s about the fear-based mentality that society convinces us we must adopt to obtain it. For example, after a hard day’s work, you turn on the TV, which constantly tells you that you lack something and are miserable. The solution, according to TV, is to buy more stuff.

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