Saturday, July 27, 2024


Legends of the Dream WarriorsLivingWritings

Breaking Free: The Meaning and Ideas Behind The Legends of the Dream Warriors Series

One day, my wife and I were discussing the system and how it seems based on the idea that buying things leads to happiness. To buy things, you need money, so logically, more money should mean more happiness, right? But it’s not just about the money—it’s about the fear-based mentality that society convinces us we must adopt to obtain it. For example, after a hard day’s work, you turn on the TV, which constantly tells you that you lack something and are miserable. The solution, according to TV, is to buy more stuff.

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Dream WarriorLatestLivingNewsletterWritings

Sometimes a Leap of Faith Is Required

This is a personal essay about how we sometimes have to take a leap of faith to cross the chasm to our purpose, dream, or Dream Power. Let’s talk about how I had to do that in May of 2024 to get from tech work to my purpose work,

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Creative SpiritFEATUREDLatestNewsletterSchoolWritings

The Path of Love vs The Path of Fear

When we take action from a place of love – a genuine desire to help, contribute, or express ourselves – there is a natural sense of empowerment and positive energy flow. We are aligned with our highest selves and values. Even if the task is difficult, we tackle it with a sense of purpose that fuels our perseverance. This is the path of love.

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