The Power of Joy
Joy is a true power. Joy is God’s power; it is His energy, and this energy is love, for God is love. With this power you have the ability to create anything, including the life you really want. It is not just a happy feeling or a good feeling – this is the myth that you have been taught, that joy is just a good feeling. No, joy is a power that when expressed does much good in the world and by letting this power or energy be expressed, you also help yourself.
This is why it is so important to find the joyful things in life and to stay in a joyful state, because in reality joy is love energy being expressed. Joy contains intelligent, creative energy, and like water flowing downhill, it will find its true purpose and destiny.
You do not have to direct it. It will direct itself. And in so doing, it will bring you like a river to where you need to be. It is like riding a lightning bolt. It can help you solve all of your problems.
Love also is not just some kind of feeling or feel-good thing. It is God’s pure energy. When we learn to love we are learning how to be like God and get closer to God. This is very important because this is why we are here – to become like God by learning how to love. One way to love is to create something beautiful out of love and to share it with the world. When you create in this way, you’re expressing love. And when you express this type of love, you feel an incredibly joyous, happy feeling. But this is not just when you create something – it is felt whenever you express love, you just may not be aware of it. We tend not to be aware of what we are feeling when we create, but a good deed done out of love can also give you this feeling. There is an infinite supply of this energy, as God is infinite. This energy has intelligence, and it is the way you can co-create with God because as you express this energy, God is with you. With this energy there is no fear, and fear has no place where this energy is.
It is important to find joy in your life, but many people tend to write off joy as just a good feeling. They think “Yes, that is nice, but now I have to get serious about life.” This is totally wrong – seriousness has no place in life. Only love, only joy, because love and joy are the true power.
Want to accomplish something? Want to get something done? Want to have a real effect on others? Find joy and express it. Just open the door of your heart and let it out. Don’t judge what the joy expression is, just find it and feel it and it will express itself through you. It will then affect all those around you.
This is the power of joy, and it will guide you to exactly where you need to be.
Until next time…Dream On!