Saturday, July 27, 2024


Creative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDWritings

I Have Been Living an Ego-Driven Existence

What does ego have to do with inspiration, you ask? Inspiration is the guiding force, a constant beacon, a lighthouse, if you will, to who we really are. Joy is a golden light, always shining and guiding us to our true selves. But most of us have been living behind ego masks for so long, longer than we can possibly remember, that we don’t even realize we are living a lie and that there is a completely different and separate person behind the mask.  

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Welcome to your Dream Power! The Time To Live Your Purpose Is Now!

Given all the current troubles of the world, I realize that it is more important than ever to help others (children and adults alike) to discover their purpose and passion and understand how the two are interconnected. I want to inspire individuals to pursue their dreams, to live a life of meaning and fulfillment, and to make a positive impact on the world.

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