Saturday, July 27, 2024
ArtsCreative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDLatestNewsletterWritings

The Power of Joy

Want to accomplish something? Want to get something done? Want to have a real effect on others? Find joy and express it. Just open the door of your heart and let it out. Don’t judge what the joy expression is, just find it and feel it and it will express itself through you. It will then affect all those around you.  

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDLatestWritings

Inspired Living: Doing What You Love

The reality is that the future is just a thought, the past just a memory. The only true life and reality is right now, in this moment. So when we find inspired activities that deeply inspire us, and can make a living doing them, we tend to feel most alive and that we’ve found our rightful place in the world.

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream PowerFEATUREDLatestWritings

Originality Is All the Authority You Need

Your work may not be ‘better’ than that of others before you, but it can be unique.  Originality is a virtue. No one has written a story about your grandmother’s birthday.  No one has thought or felt what you did as you were going to sleep last night.  No one has written a poem of exactly what it felt like when you fell in love for the first time.  No one will, unless you do.

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream PowerDream WarriorFEATUREDWritings

What is Inspiration? Understanding the Creative Spirit

When you are inspired, it’s an energy flow. This is, again, not just a good feeling your body happens to be having that day. This energy is God’s creative energy, which is basically love or love energy. This energy is creative and has intelligence. This is why when you feel inspired, you feel pregnant or like you “just have to get it out.” You also have a feeling that you can’t get it out fast enough. And the reason this is, is because you are a channel for this energy; it is not coming from you but through you. All you really have to do is get out of the way. Since this is love energy, you will feel joyous when you let this energy flow through you. This is why you feel so good expressing it.

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ArtsCreative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDWritings

I Need To Make Some Money!

“What can I create with inspiration that I can then share with the world in a way that will make a difference in the world and bring true meaning, joy and abundance into my life?”

This question cuts through class, race, international borders, politics, talent, ability, and all other limiting factors. This question breaks the rules that we have all agreed to follow as a society, and that you and I have been brainwashed to believe are absolute reality.  

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Creative SpiritDream WarriorFEATUREDWritings

I Have Been Living an Ego-Driven Existence

What does ego have to do with inspiration, you ask? Inspiration is the guiding force, a constant beacon, a lighthouse, if you will, to who we really are. Joy is a golden light, always shining and guiding us to our true selves. But most of us have been living behind ego masks for so long, longer than we can possibly remember, that we don’t even realize we are living a lie and that there is a completely different and separate person behind the mask.  

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